On the top right you’ll see Auction Rules followed by How to Bid.
At any time, you can return to this page by clicking the “Home” tab on the upper left.
The other tabs will take you directly to the different categories of items. Click on any one to see the individual items.
Once you’ve clicked on one of these Category Tabs, you can scroll down to see all the items in that category and the details about each item.
A slide show of the items in this category will be running on the left of the page. Clicking a picture on the slide show will only take you to the photo and not to the actual item description and bidding site.
Underneath the slide show on the right hand side of the page you will see each item listed. If you don’t, you can click on “2011” under WHAT’S HERE and then on “November”, and the list will display. You can click on the name of any item to go directly to that item.
At any time, from within any category, clicking HOME at the BOTTOM of the page will return you to the first entry for the category. Clicking the Home Tab on the upper left will return you to the front page.
You can, of course, navigate around with your “back” and “forward” buttons on your browser.
To see who’s bidding how much, click on “comments” at the lower left of any auction item description. The comment field will open and you can see what others have said.
Know someone who’d love to have this item? To the right of “comment” are several buttons giving you the option of sharing information about this item.
You can e-mail the entry to a friend, post it on your blog, tweet it, post it on your facebook wall or recommend it on google.
Once you’ve picked your item, click on “comment” on the lower left of the entry for your item. You’ll see what others have said, and you’ll post your bid here, in the comment field.
Type your comment and bid in the comment box that has opened.
You have a number of ways of identifying yourself
Select one of the following from: Comment as “select profile”
If you’re used to FACEBOOK bidding
Select the Name/URL option - Enter the name you wish to be identified by and your Facebook URL
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
If you don’t know your Facebook URL, you can go to your Facebook Profile Wall and copy it from your address field. It will start with http://www.facebook.com/
For example mine is http://www.facebook.com/vincent.cat
Yours may be more cryptic if you haven’t chosen a personal one and could look something like this http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000642471232
If you need help, just ask me Vincent@RikkisRefuge.org
Other ways to sign in include:
1) Google Account - if you have one, simply log in when requested. If not, you can choose to create one, but you don’t have to.
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
2) Live Journal - enter your Live Journal username
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
3) Word Press - enter your Word Press username
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
4) TypePad - enter your TypePad username
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
5) AIM - enter your AIM username
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
6) OpenID - enter your OpenID username
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
7) Name/URL - Enter the name you wish to be identified by and your Facebook URL - if you don’t know yours, you can go to your Facebook Profile Wall and copy it from your address field. It will start with http://www.facebook.com/
For example mine is http://www.facebook.com/vincent.cat
Yours may be more cryptic if you haven’t chosen one and could look something like this http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000642471232
As URL you can also use the url of a web site you “own”.
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
8) Anonymous - if you enter your bid this way, please be sure to identify yourself in some way that we can get in touch with you. For example, include your email address as part of your name or in your comment. Or you can choose to email me with the name you’ve used Vincent@RikkisRefuge.org
You will then be asked a word verification to make sure it’s not spam adding comments.
We do have to reserve the right to delete any “Anonymous” bids if we can’t get in touch with you to verify it!!!! Thanks for understanding.
If you’ve bid on an item, you want to know when someone else bids so you can decide to increase your bid!
You can choose to get notifications about an entire category or about an individual item.
For a category, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on “Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)”. You will have to choose Live Bookmarks, Google, My Yahoo, or choose an application on your computer. I can’t tell you much about these cus I’ve never used any of them.
For an individual item, click on the item name in blue at the upper left on the description of the item. This will then show only this item on your screen. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)” . You will have to choose Live Bookmarks, Google, My Yahoo, or choose an application on your computer.
IF YOU’RE USING FACEBOOK here’s a cool way to do it !!!
You can do this from an individual item listing, or as you’re scrolling down the category list. At the bottom of one item’s listing, and just to the right of “comments” you have the option to “share” the item. Simply click on the 5th icon the “f” and you can place this item on your facebook wall.
Now comes the good part! When ever you want to check on how the bidding is going - it’s right there, easy to see on your wall, just click and it brings up the item and all comments!!!!
Excellent instructions! Woof!